Okay, I'm starting to feel like one of those people on American Idol who really thinks they can sing, while the judges look on with those "don't quit your day job" faces. ; :-[
Still looking for some feedback on the actual photos, especially now that the exif data is available. ; My husband says it's not like I was photographing the 7 wonders of the world or anything and that maybe you guys are just being nice...but they were the wonders of my world, after all and I really did try to take your advice and do something with it.
Just give it to me straight. ; I'm tougher than I look. 8)
Still looking for some feedback on the actual photos, especially now that the exif data is available. ; My husband says it's not like I was photographing the 7 wonders of the world or anything and that maybe you guys are just being nice...but they were the wonders of my world, after all and I really did try to take your advice and do something with it.
Just give it to me straight. ; I'm tougher than I look. 8)