Camera Location? (SOLVED)


Where can I get this camera?

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Re: Camera Location?

For some reason the Imagination Pavilion (exit of the ride) comes to mind, but I have a nagging suspicion that it's a red herring.
Re: Camera Location?

No sirs, Everest and Champions are cold. ; So far Justin's Darkroom guess is the warmest.
Re: Camera Location?

Very hot Justin. ; Can anyone come up with the store name? Otherwise Justin gets it.
Re: Camera Location?

I couldn't whittle it down any more - I know it looked like a storefront window for sure - that's been the root of my guesses from the beginning! ; I tried to go through some of the Streets of America stores in my head - only remember a few though - Youse Guys, the Travel Agency, the Pawn Shop, and an Antique store by Mama Melroses. ; I suppose the Pawn Shop would be a possibility, but I don't think they'd have all cameras. ; I don't even remember where American Heritage Gallery is!
Re: Camera Location?

Sids Pawn shop it is!! ; Nice work Justin. ; Here is Sids and another camera shot.

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Well alright! ; I was not confident on the pawn shop, but they do have a lot of stuff in the window, and cameras seemed a possibility too!

Good WAI...not an easy one!