

Are marvel comics part of disney? What is the "in" thing for 7-10 year olds?

Do they trade pins? Are they into Mickey?
Anything Star Wars seems to be the pull at Disney ... there are Jedi Mickey plush toys, there used to be Jedi training at DHS. Not sure when the ride was re-opening.

Disney only acquired Marvel recently - not sure what they sell at the parks since there's still a lot of Marvel at Universal. They are selling some t-shirts on the US disney store website though.
I had my 10 year old boy in Disney in October for his 4th visit. ; He absolutely loves the Pin Trading. ; Can't get enough of it. ; We have now gone so far as to order genuine Disney pins off of Ebay (50 or more for $50.00) so that we are able to cost effectively trade on our Disney Cruise this coming Sunday. ; That is the only way to do it. ; Otherwise, you are looking at $7-$10 per pin. ; We already have hundreds of "bought" or traded pins and this cost effective trade should be much more $$ friendly.

He is also a big fan of Stitch and Chip and Dale. ; And of course the rides usually kept him busy.
Ok just ordered some pins.
Is it really hot to do there?
I mean do most kids have it?
I only ordered 15. Is that enough to start?
I'm thinking my little one will keep it on the lanyard and not in a book.
Oh, its a hot thing alright!! ; There are pin trading stations in every park...and pretty much every CM has Pins to trade...You can usually get startup packs at any of the souvenir shops for a decent price and they include a lanyard and a number of pins. ; 15 will be a great start for you and your team and I wish you luck. ; My family (with the exception of me, Dad) love to trade pins. ; I just watch, take photos and open my wallet when my DD14 asks me for more money as she absolutely "has to have" this certain pin. ; It is fun, and very addicting. ;
And, my team is already chomping at the bit for our Disney Cruise Pin Trading experience, starting this Sunday on the Wonder out of LA. ; Already have their lanyards with their "traders" ready to go.

