Booked my next next visit too - Sep 19-23 at BLT!


Staff member
I also while booking my June trip, decided to hunt for availability for my annual 'SOLO' Disney photography trip, which I usually take in September - though last year wasn't solo because a friend from Texas joined me. ; This time, I've got plans for a lovely quiet solo trip where I can concentrate on nothing but photography and relaxation. ; I was going to just take a Boardwalk, as walking into Epcot is so convenient...but noticed availability at BLT, which I've never stayed in...I decided that was the way to go, because I want to try all Disney resorts and this is one of only two I've never stayed at before. ; And it's usually booked! ; I have a lake-view studio, and requested a high room, because I want to have more of a view since most DVC places I stay are only 2-3'll be nice to have a big horizon view. ; I've heard that lake-view rooms can vary from direct lake, to side-views into MK, to nice overlooks of Contemporary - I'd be happy with any of those, but the lake-views that can sneak an MK view would be nice, and so would a room facing south so I could get a view over the lake and the Contemporary at the same time. ; Checking in Thursday Sep 19 and checking out Monday Sep 23. ; Anyone in the area on those dates, shout out!
After. ; The Carolwood Pacific Historical Society's annual Un-Meeting is 9/26-9/29 and I'm thinking about arriving early to take a day to go do the VAB Tour at KSC if it is still offered. ; Attending that goes against my better judgement with everything else I have going on, but I have an annual pass that expires on 12/1, this year is the 20th anniversary of the founding of the group, so it should be well attended and the preliminary schedule includes a presentation by Michael Broggie which is too tempting to pass up. ; Plus they're looking at doing the Marceline to Main Street tour and a tour of holiday services in addition to the traditional MBOSTT.
Getting closer to my next visit...looking forward to it as it's been since June. ; Hope I can score a high room at BLT - might as well get a view that I normally don't get at DVC studios - since they're all 2-4 stories at most...even with Standard view, I'd love something high up.
Have a GREAT trip Justin! I've heard that the room assigners work 10 days out so, if the DVC takes requests, be sure to let them know what you are thinking concerning the room location.

I think you are going to KNOCK it OUT of the PARK with your solo photography trip. I see many early mornings, late nights and mid day beverages by the pool for you!

Good luck with the weather!

Almost ready for my BLT!

No, I'm not hungry. ; Just getting closer to finally logging my first stay in the BLT at Contemporary. ; 9 days away - can't wait to get back up to Disney for some solo wandering. ; I checked out where the 'lake view' rooms are at BLT, and looks like my best bet if I could land it would be one of the higher rooms facing somewhat towards Contemporary - that lets the sunsets be viewed a bit between the buildings, the Contemporary, and a bit of the lake too. ; Hopefully I can talk them into giving me the best lake view studio room - I'm OK with mostly lake view, and hopefully not those side tennis court and back-of-lake views. ; From what I can tell, ideal would be room 8432 or 8232. ; Any of the 32 or 38 rooms sound good, and on the other side, the 14 rooms would be OK since they get an MK view. ; We'll see what I get!
I'll see, but I might be able to come down and see the both of you over the course of your trips for a day. ; I've been working a lot but I'll see.
Definitely let me know...PM or e-mail me here or post and I'll check regularly. ; Do you have my cell? ; I think we exchanged them years ago last time we met up, but not sure if you still have it.
Lovebugs, midge flies, heat, but no rainouts!

Well got back from Disney yesterday - didn't see or hear from any TMIPers, but had a nice, peaceful time and took a lot of photos. ; It'll take me likely 3-4 days to sort through them all and upload.

The rains were constant in S Florida, and chances of rain seemed high for this trip, figuring on rain every day and a few rainout days...but surprisingly the only rain was on Thursday when I first arrived, very light rain for 30-40 minutes around 6pm or so...then nothing for Thu, Fri, or Sat...and one heavy burst of rain that came in Sunday around 3:30pm for about 30 minutes and clear after that. ; The first rain met me at MK on Thursday, and wasn't even enough to go hide from it or to even have to cover my camera. ; The Sunday rain was just as I was leaving DHS, and standing at the bus stop - which fortunately was the time the bus dropped me off at Contemporary and I grabbed a bite to eat, it was over.

Bugs, on the other hand, were out in FORCE! ; Lovebugs were very very thick this September - much more so than the May crop...they were omnipresent, even walking in the parks, and were very thick around the resort areas on the water. ; Sitting at the Contemporary bus stop meant being covered in a dozen of them...and nary a surface existed where you could lean on or grab without squishing a pair of mating bugs. ; I haven't seen them so thick in the park areas for many years - this seemed to be a pretty heavy crop this year. ; Worse still were the midge flies...positively the worst I've ever experienced of them. ; Anywhere near bodies of water after dusk and you were breathing them in. ; Stand anywhere near a light, and you were coated in them like feathers to a tarred person. ; So many corpses of them were lying on the walkway and rooftops at Contemporary and BLT that the ground actually looked black...the rains washed them into the drains to the point they clogged with corpses of tiny flies. ; They were stuck to every white surface - at the bus stop you couldn't touch the posts. ; Standing on the Contemporary boat dock for a night boat required pulling your shirt over your mouth to breathe air and not bugs.

Fortunately, they weren't in the parks themselves, and only came at night near the water, and the lovebugs I'm used to as a none of this caused me much grief. ; The parks were not overly crowded - lines weren't bad at all - most standby lines were 20 minutes or less, even for some of the popular rides like Soarin, Test Track, Space Mountain, etc. ; I was even able to eat at two Epcot restaurants for dinner without a reservation, and wait times of less than 30 minutes (Mexico waterfront, and Japan steakhouse).

Can't wait to start sorting photos - but first, gotta get caught up at work...I'll put in a few hours each evening to sorting, deleting, and cropping, and should be through them by Thu/Friday...then choose which ones to upload.
Glad to hear you had a good time! ; Hopefully the lines will remain short this week (says the guy waiting at baggage claim at MCO)
Interesting about the bugs. I don't remember them ever being that bad. ; Looking forward to seeing your pictures Justin.
Thanks all. ; Hope lines are staying short, Michael!

Pops, I go all the time in both May and September, so I'm used to the 'lovebug' seasons (May flies to some)...and I've seen some heavy fallouts of them before, but I must say this was one of the heaviest I've seen in at least 6-8 years, if not longer. ; And throw in the midge flies on the lake, which was actually the first time I've ever seen them that intrusively - maybe our heavy summer rains this season has amped up the crop.