Bay Lake Tower in Disney Files DVC Magazine Fall 2009


Staff member
Sharing these with everyone in case you dont get the magazine:

(all text and photos are ©Disney)

I just added these to our site here:

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Some neat pictures, but honestly, they should've hired you for the (photographer's) job. ; Your recent BLT shots run circles around all of those pictures.
They most certainly do. ; Thanks for posting these Craig! ; I wonder if you can get that magazine if you aren't a member? ; I have never heard of it.
The magazine is for DVC members only, IIRC.

I liked the shots in that mag, but I like the picture from the recent promotion piece sent out for BLT. I'll see if I can get a scan later of it :)