
I want to apologize to Disney Magic. ; There are some 'not so nice' things being said about me on other Disney discussion boards. ;

It really sucks to read such harsh words about yourself and not be able to so much as respond. ; Especially when what is being said is not at all true. ;

However, the most recent bash against me was made by a poster who knows (I have no idea how) that I post on Disneymagic and therefore bashed Disney Magic along with me. ; I just want to apologize to everyone here, as I have no idea why/how said poster associated me (or my travel agency) with you guys directly.

I'm SO very sorry, perhaps it's best if I just no longer post here.
Personally, I think you should keep posting. ; I am not a member of any other disney boards, so I don't know what is going on.....but I have never had a problem with any of your posts on this board.
Do we look worried????

Hmmm... ; I am curious (and remember how much good that was for the proverbial cat!!!). ; Time to go see what's being said!

All of the offending material has been removed. ; No reference to you Megara or to Disney Magic. ;

All is now right with the world... or as close as we can get. ; ::)
Thanks you guys. ; Granted; I don't have time to post here all that often, but I do really like this 'corner of the Disney web', so I'd like to stay.

I just didn't want to 'cause Disneymagic any problems is all. ; SO glad that said information has since been deleted...
Miss M

You shouldn't need to apologize something you have no control over.

We all know how wonderful you are and how your posts are always helpful.

I could say more about flaming but I want to keep the vibe positive.

These are for you.
