Anybody else taking time off?


The kids don't go back to school until next week, so I decided to hang out at home for a few days this week. ; I had some o/t hours to burn off... ; so I don't hurt my vacation time.

I'm sure... but the end of the week I might regret it ; ::)
Well... around here we can't carry vacation time over, and we don't get compensation for time outside the 37.5 hrs/week that's the basis for our salary, so no O/T hours to take, either *sigh*

And since the hubby's job is at its busiest in the weeks following Christmas, we figured it was better to save up our time off to take it together later in the year. ; But man oh man am I looking forward to our next time off! ; One month, one week, one day! ;)
No time off for me anytime soon.

I am preggo and will be going on maternity leave in June, so I will save my vacation and cash it out when I go on leave.

I do however have lots of time off for doctors appts over the next few months though.......
Wow weecmp, congrats!! ; Hope things are going well with your pregnancy so far!

As for me, I am off this week yet before I go back to work. ; I wish I could say it is a nice vacation but I am just wiped from the previous weeks. ; Just trying to keep myself occupied.