any annual passholders?

Our entire family has annual passes ;D ; Love them, it gives you the freedom of coming and going as you please. ; You don't feel obligated to put a full day in.
Realfam, you definitely get your money's worth for sure. ;

We are considering it for our trip on December. But we were just wondering is the passes just good for 12 months exactly or Sean seems to think they are good for 13 months? ; I know we could get two trips out of the passes if it was 13months, but we would be pushing it with 12 months. ; I was also wondering how much of a discount do DVC memebers get?
I'm a passholder! ; Have been on and off for ten years.

The passes are good for 366 (367 in leap years) days as they are good from the day you bought it until the same date the following year.


Current passholders, when they renew will get 15 months instead of the usual 12.

I figure if I'm in the parks for at least 10 days in a year, it's worth it.

"Minnie" said:
Realfam, you definitely get your money's worth for sure. ;

We are considering it for our trip on December. But we were just wondering is the passes just good for 12 months exactly or Sean seems to think they are good for 13 months? ; I know we could get two trips out of the passes if it was 13months, but we would be pushing it with 12 months. ; I was also wondering how much of a discount do DVC memebers get?

The DVC discount is about $100 (good deal), hopefully we'll get a chance to hook up down there and have stroller races ;D
I'm a passholder but I only get one when I can use it for more than one tip this year I'm getting 20 days out of it and with the renewal deal an unused tickets in my pocket I may renew again.
I'm getting mine when I go in January - and I have my trip already planned for June to take full advantage - now if I can talk hubby into going AGAIN January of 2011, I'll be soarin!!!
:-\ I can't decide!! ; We are going mid-January and I need to decide! ; I've priced buying magic your way for the days we are there, with Disney and with outside sources, I've priced the tickets that do not expire which add up to more than the price of an annual pass. ; We'd like to go in the fall but that is dependent on my plans to buy more points in which case it's worth it if we go again, but if we don't.... We are DVC members so the renewal does get us a much lower price than the first purchase even with the 100 off. ; I just can't decide? ;
Do you annual pass holders find that the other perks you get with your AP make it worth while? ;
Clarify also if I'm wrong but if I buy a pass online today, it does not start until I activate it at Disney world, in which case it then expires one year from activation date?
Opinions are appreciated because I need to decide soon?
We got our annual passes for Disneyland, CA on out last trip 2 weeks ago and used 10 days worth already. ; With the dining and merchandise discounts it is definitely worth it for me. ; We plan to make another trip there before the annual passes expire - just not sure when yet.