Animal Kingdom Nighttime


Staff member
Got the rare chance to shoot a bit around AK at dusk/night, on one of their late hours openings for wintertime. ; Shot with my ultrazoom lens and no tripod, just cranking the ISOs or using a rail for support if I needed one. ; Always a neat place to shoot at night since you don't get to see it often at night!

Dusk in Harambe - ISO1000:

Mombasa marketplace - ISO640:

Tamu Tamu dusk - ISO1600:

Dusk Tree of Life, through the trees - ISO1600:

Down the Asia river in the evening - ISO1600:

Everest backpacker's hotel - ISO1600:

Everest temples at night - ISO1600:

Everest and building - ISO1600:

Everest from Flame Tree BBQ - camera steadied on rail at ISO100 and 15 seconds:
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Nice set, Justin. ; I especially like Asia river and Everest & building.

I just saw that AK will be open until 8 pm on my short Feb trip (mostly due to high crowds). ; I hope I can find time to get there. ; (I guess I'll have to pack my tripod after all.)
the asia river is my fav, something about how that river just keeps drawing my eyes down and out of the frame
very nice, my friend. ; i love taking advantage of EMH at night at DAK. ; it's such a special place with the way the lighting is done, the themed buildings, and the overall atmosphere. ; granted there are not very many attractions that are open during the EMH, but its a great time for photos.
"Tim" said:
granted there are not very many attractions that are open during the EMH, but its a great time for photos.

that's true. ; however you still should be able to practice PANning or inDOors shots. ; but it would be fun to see the mahaRAjah jungle trek at night. ; ;)
Thank you - I do love photoGraphing Animal KingdOm aT night. ; Indeed, the rides aren't my main draw anyway - and like you said, the opportunity to take piCtures at nigHt is the primAry reason to be there for me. ; That new land might be interesting at night too...can't remember what it's called...something about a movie...planets...
Yeah, just send $3500 to my PayPal account and I'll get right back to ya. ;

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"haunteddoc" said:
Is there an official TMIP decoder ring?


You'll need to drink a bunch of Ovaltine and send in five proofs of purchase from their cans plus another 5 wrappers from Mickey Ears Chocolate bars, purchased from the vending cart located just next to Flame Tree BBQ. ; Only that one.
Thanks Pixie.

And Gary - don't forget they have to say the secret phrase while turning in a clockwise circle.
Great shots Justin. ; I too love DAK, and can't wait for the new land or world to open. ; I am really hoping for a lot more great night photo opportunities here.
And hopefully, more regular night hours! ; For us photogs, the opportunity to walk through Harambe and Anandapur at night while the majority of the crowd heads to Pandora could be really nice for those long tripod exposures.
I wonder if they will move the Tough to be a Bug fastpass machines and have fastpass just to get into Pandora. ; Universal has to do something similar with Wizarding World every now and then.

Not just the attraction mind you, the entire land.