Animal Kingdom: Discovery Island

This fella is NEVER out - always sleeping on a pile of his mates deep under the shelf of rock. Except's ALIVE! The African porcupine:
I didn't realize they had built big nests there before - yours was from 2017! When I was there this past March just before closure, they had built a giant nest right around the same spot.

Here's one out wandering around looking for more sticks:
Looking at some recent photos, it appears that many of the rooftop decorations (such as this one on the Discovery Trading Company) have been removed. The birds in the center are still there, but the fish and birds on the peaks are gone.

Fish and Fowl
What are the chances that between all of us, we have photos of every animal on the tree? If we do, we need to create a photo directory showing what and where. (Sounds like a lot of work, though.)

Permanent Residents