American Idol is coming to the Studios.

Harra, I was thinking the same thing. How is this going to work?

Millionaire was one thing - you could do 2-3 rounds of the game within a 45 min "show". How can you do American Idol in a 45 min "show"? Have a few people volunteer and then the "crowd" votes on the them during the show to produce a "winner"?
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"harra" said:
My wife and I are big fans of the show. BUT, we don't start watching until they get it down to the final 12 (the group that goes on the tour).

This might be a type of "glass half full" versus "glass half empty" question that reveals a lot about you by the answer. I, on the other hand, am a pessimistic, negative, sour-puss type ... so I enjoy watching American Idol right up until they get the final 24 ... because I love watching all the trainwrecks, breakdowns and savage critiquing that crushes the hopes and dreams of hundreds of delusional shower-singers.

As for the shipping problems with the Big-Screen ... that's why a TV is one of the few things I insist on buying in person, and that I always get the 5 year warranty for.
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I am also a pessimistic negative person. and have just stopped watching the show because auditions are over. Always buy your warranties. I bought my D40 at Best Buy and bought the 5 year "I can throw it off a building" warranty that says it will pretty much fix any problem within five years.