a REAL Where am I (or was I) (FOUND)


Staff member
Well this is an ancient shot - this was taken back in 1974:


Yes, that's me with the hands to my face - I think I was making 'ugga bugga' noises which is why my hands were up. My uncle is the one sitting on the fence.

For the life of me, I just can't seem to place where we are here. The tiki statues made me think Adventureland, but that's a wide open space back there that doesn't look like it could be in MK. And I thought of Polynesian...but the stones and fences are all wrong...more like Frontierland.

So...does anyone have any possible ideas where we might be?
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

since those Native American totem poles are there, i would guess Fort Wilderness Campground. I have an old book at home that might have pictures of the campground in it... I'll look for it tonight.
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

Wow...the fence and rocks would be fitting for Ft. Wilderness Campground...but I don't recall those totem poles. Curious to see what you come up with! Back then, we actually didn't stay on property (we was po!!)...we were usually at a Holiday Inn out on 192, and would drive in (grandma took us down each year from New Jersey, since the park opened). But I know we did check out the resort properties just to marvel at them and wonder what lucky, rich people got to stay there. We also got 1 book of tickets each, and of course blew through our D and E tickets within the first day, leaving us the rest of the trip riding Small World and If You Had Wings several hundred times. :)
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

it looks like maybe the canada gardens?

edit: DOH!! 1974 I guess it couldnt be Epcot Center just yet!!!!

I guess I cant help you! :)
Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

Don't worry Craig...that was one of my first thoughts too. :)
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

I should look at my old WDW map...

I could be Adventureland/Frontierland area....remember, no Splash Mountain or BTMRR....
Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

Any luck anyone, figuring out where this is?

I can't picture quite where there'd be this much space in MK, even without Splash Mountain...I dug up a few shots from the early '80s before Splash was in, and there was just alot more open space on the way to the Frontierland Station...wider paths and such...I didn't notice any totems at least by then.

I couldn't find any shots of Ft. Wilderness showing the totems there, except for one shot in which the very top of a totem might have been in a shot near the store down by the lake...but I couldn't see multiple totems or what the landscaping looked like.

Though it doesn't look as 'tree-covered' as you'd expect anywhere in Disney World, I have to keep reminding myself that the park had only been open a few years at the time!
Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

I checked the book I have and didn't find anything that matches your photo...
Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't k

I went to Flickr and searched for "Disneyworld 1974" and one of the posts was an image of the Map. Wow, have things changed. I am still looking to see if anyone has a pic with the totems or railing in it. But my initial guess would be Adventureland maybe by the Tiki room or Jungle Cruise (because both would include a Polynesian decor).
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

I pulled this photo off of Flickr. The theme in the Railing and Rocks seems to fit. The photo was taken by "SmokinWrek" and posted on his Flickr site under the set of "Disney 1974".

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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

Wow...nice work RedOctober. I do believe you've got it! Those rocks lining the path and the wood fence are exactly correct. And there does seem to be alot of grassy expanse around there.

I did some additional research after you turned up those photos, and found a page called 'Widen Your World' that's all about old attractions at Disney World. In their lengthy description of the Frontierland Train Station, they talked about how there was a vast expanse of grass dotted with trees and totem poles, where Big Thunder now stands. So by the photo you linked above, I'm guessing we were sitting just to the right side of that photo, along that fence somewhere behind where that gentleman is standing.

Thanks for the great work - I had done alot of Google searching for "Disney World 1974" and wasn't coming up with anything that looked like a match!
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I)...I truly don't know!

"zackiedawg" said:
they talked about how there was a vast expanse of grass dotted with trees and totem poles, where Big Thunder now stands.

A ha!
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Re: a REAL Where am I (or was I) (FOUND!)

Good one Rog...you did guess that area. I knew it was empty, but couldn't picture what was there...the mention of grass and trees wouldn't have made it a sure thing, but the article also mentioned totem poles, and that photo has the exact right fence and rock lining...so that makes it seem pretty solid!

I'll rename the photo in my gallery too, now that I know where it is!
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i was going to suggest BTMRR near the exit ramp on the edge of rivers of america - went looking for this the other day but it appears that you folks beat me to the punch. nice job.
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Glad I could help... Sometimes I get a task in my head and dive head first into it until I find something.
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