Nancy AK
Who can make it so far for the 30th Zoom chat:
Gary (Hemoritus), not Grandpa Gary
Nancy (needs a sporty nickname)
Red (will be late, excused with a note from the principal)
John (Whining Wolff-iv wah, wah, wah I'm tired from driving)
Missing replies from:
Michael (I overbooked December) Summers @mSummers
Tim (who's picture is perennially on the milk carton) @Tim
Scott Thomas @Scottwdw
Dave (I'm onna boat, onna boat!!) @ExploringWDW
Grandpa Gary @WDWFigmentGary
Don Sullivan @donsullivan
Jeff Krause @Jeff Krause
@Joanie Eddis-Koch, I guess you need to come up with a sporty nickname for me