Zoom meet up date "poll"

Who can make it so far for the 30th Zoom chat:
Gary (Hemoritus), not Grandpa Gary
Nancy (needs a sporty nickname)
Red (will be late, excused with a note from the principal)
John (Whining Wolff-iv wah, wah, wah I'm tired from driving)

Missing replies from:
Michael (I overbooked December) Summers @mSummers
Tim (who's picture is perennially on the milk carton) @Tim
Scott Thomas @Scottwdw
Dave (I'm onna boat, onna boat!!) @ExploringWDW
Grandpa Gary @WDWFigmentGary
Don Sullivan @donsullivan
Jeff Krause @Jeff Krause

@Joanie Eddis-Koch, I guess you need to come up with a sporty nickname for me :)
I am in! Had a little photo shoot last weekend.

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Did everyone hear about the Zoom class action lawsuit? If the settlement is approved, we can get $15 just for having used Zoom between March 30, 2016 and July 30,2021. If you paid for it, you might get a little more (up to a whole $25). Go to https://www.zoommeetingsclassaction.com/ for details.

That should compensate for them letting those jerks crash our meeting that time.


The key words being “up to”… I guarantee that the lawyers are getting 99% of this settlement.

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Ok so it looks like the next Zoom meeting is Thursday Dec. 30th at 7:30pm.

Mostly everyone can make it.

Sound good to the peanut gallery?

I'll send out the invitations shortly.

I'm catching up late here - I have not been on any previous 'meets' and may already be dropped as an insider/planner for Pixelmania due to my lack of presence on these Zoom thingies - I'm technologically challenged as some may know, so if it goes beyond a phone call, it's getting into advanced IT skills area for me. But since I'm always in on Pixelmania when it falls in December, this will be the year I can attend again. Will this Zoom thing-a-ma-jig also be something that can be participated in with just a phone, or via internet but without a camera to share my ugly mug?
I'm catching up late here - I have not been on any previous 'meets' and may already be dropped as an insider/planner for Pixelmania due to my lack of presence on these Zoom thingies - I'm technologically challenged as some may know, so if it goes beyond a phone call, it's getting into advanced IT skills area for me. But since I'm always in on Pixelmania when it falls in December, this will be the year I can attend again. Will this Zoom thing-a-ma-jig also be something that can be participated in with just a phone, or via internet but without a camera to share my ugly mug?

Yes and yes… Michael attends without a camera (so voice only) and both New Gary and Dave have hopped into the meeting from their phones (there’s a Zoom App for that) or a straight up phone call (I’m pretty sure but not 100%)

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I'm catching up late here - I have not been on any previous 'meets' and may already be dropped as an insider/planner for Pixelmania due to my lack of presence on these Zoom thingies - I'm technologically challenged as some may know, so if it goes beyond a phone call, it's getting into advanced IT skills area for me. But since I'm always in on Pixelmania when it falls in December, this will be the year I can attend again. Will this Zoom thing-a-ma-jig also be something that can be participated in with just a phone, or via internet but without a camera to share my ugly mug?

Yes, phone only access is possible. Joanie will share the info.
It's kind of a New Year's Eve...since the observed New Year holiday is Friday...If NY is observed on NYE, then NYE must be celebrated on New Years' Eve Eve. ;)
I sent the Zoom invitations for Thursday December 30th at 7:30 EST to you mailboxes on this site.

For those that don't know, I had to do it that way because, rather humorously, a previous zoom meeting was crashed by an assortment of teenaged boys with nothing better to do than to join our meeting and spew irrelevant statements.