Wishes - post your best

Great shots everyone. Here is another of mine from a rather foggy night in 2004 before I got the DSLR. I kind of like the way the foggy mist created a halo around the bursts.

Very cool shots!!!! ; Here's a couple of mine....

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/11654579@N07/3659615295/" ><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2441/3659615295_cff3d95438.jpg"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/11654579@N07/3708105545/" ><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2514/3708105545_47bab7bfe4.jpg"></a>
I know I'm bringing back an old topic, but I wanted to share this picture I took last week... (I really like the castle silouette.)

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Do not think this is my best but I love the fluffy cloud pattern from the fireworks.

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Actually...that's mighty cool! ; I like that a lot. ; I think you could even consider taking another shot from the same vantage point and focal distance exposed for the castle (not during fireworks) and blend the two - that way you'll have Space Mountain and the fireworks plus the castle and tomorrowland all in focus and exposed. ; I like the panoramic crop there too.
Some new "bests" ; It was SOOO hot and crowded that night I didnt get a prime spot but just for watching I reccommend a spot off the beaten path such as where these were taken. ; This was on the sidewalk into Tomorrowland - right where Mainstreet turns into Tomorrowland (I think). ; Theres a little bend in the sidewalk/fence where theres an ice cream cart. ; The cart was closed so it made a great place to set up my tripod. ; Not a fan of the trees. ; Someday Disney will get smart and all of the trees will disappear into the ground during parades and fireworks! This is the first time using my tripod and remote for fireworks. I can say - I REALLY like that setup. Using the remote I actually get to watch the show!



