Wishes - post your best

There are some great pictures on this thread - thanks to everyone for posting them! ; It is always fun to see the colors and angles other people pick up.
My latest effort from last night...Setup on the castle side of the partners statue.

Starting with Tinkerbell.






"Jeff Fillmore" said:
My latest effort from last night...Setup on the castle side of the partners statue.

Starting with Tinkerbell.

Very nice Jeff!

I'm wondering if Ray will get a pic of Dumbo during his trip. ; Making me pine for returning to FL.
I can't wait for winter again, when I won't mind spending hours standing with a tripod waiting out my spot for the show and taking pics. ; I pretty much shut down on my fireworks and parade photos from May - September...too hot!
Michael...I used one of yours as my desktop because its just so amazing. ;

Although, every single picture in this thread is incredible. ; I think Wishes is by far one of my most favorite things EVER in DW and these completely do them justice. ; Nice work everyone.
Incredible shots everyone! ; Mine don't compare, but here are a few from last week that I like.

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I figured I'd revive a dying topic, as I really love Wishes, and this August was the first time I was in WDW when I actually knew how to shoot fireworks!

Click to go to Flickr!
Hmmm...I got a few that I like, but nothing too extravagant. ; I kept missing the big fireworks. ; They look almost goth like

