Wilderness Lodge, inside and out (7imgs)

"Dan" said:
How did you avoid getting the typical puce color of light polluted night skies?

Disney Imagineering! ;) For some reason, I have always noticed that awesome color blue that the sky takes on at the lodge. Maybe it's the tint on the windows or something - but even to the eye, just walking around at night, they seem to have this great play on the warm red woods and the cool blue night colors that you almost think the exterior views are on big plasma screens and aren't real.

I've never taken a shot of the exterior from the interior at night though - great job, MSummers! I may have to try some of those shots now. I have never stayed in the main hotel - only in the vacation club at Wilderness Lodge. But I think that hotel, more than the others, always gave me the feel of returning to something special after a day in the parks and pulling up to that grand western lodge, with the western-influenced music throughout...especially on a cooler winter night!
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Thanks Dan! The photos are actually early morning shots. Since shots like these require longer exposures, I get up early so there aren't any people around to blur the photo. My family thinks I'm nuts because I get up at 4:00am on vacation to take photos like these. Anyway, the blue sky occurs during sunrise and sunset when the sky is clear or only has a few clouds (if you look closely, you will see some clouds in both of those). Trick is that there is a very short window of about 15min when the interior and exterior light levels match perfectly. The first shot was a 15 sec exposure, so early morning was the only time I could get it with no people walking through it.
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mSummers these are beautiful photo's. Nice work. I REALLY like the outside night shot of the falls.
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those are fantastic msummers!
the first photo with the back of the lobby and the sky is beautiful.
Thanks guys!

"zackiedawg" said:
I have always noticed that awesome color blue that the sky takes on at the lodge.


I think the blue color is enhanced by the warm materials combined with the warm lighting of the Lodge itself. It must be something to do with the contrast between the two color temperatures of the light. Definitely try some of those interior/exterior shots next time you are there. Its all about the timing. You have to be there when the light levels are just right.
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really nice job, esp the blue sky, that's just real warming to look at
of course i'll probably never have one of these of my own, this dog doesn't do 0400 any more, too much of that when i was younger as the end to a great evening, or later as the part of the midnight shift to be endured and gotten through with the least pain to the body
Thanks Gary! You don't have to be there at 0400 to get the sunrise shot. I get up that early to get photos of the high traffic areas of the lodge. That sunrise shot was taken on 06-Apr-2007 at 06:46:06.
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