Washington, DC

Last one reminds me of mine Scott.


I need to rescan it!
Now that I am more involved in photography and understanding it better, I really need to get back and spend a few days in D.C. to try and catch some of these. ; Nicely done Scott and thanks for sharing.
Last time I was in Washington, other than for those pesky Congressional hearings, was 20 years ago. ; From Scott's pics it appears to have changed a lot and warrants another visit.
Thanks, everyone! Roger, that is a cool angle on the memorial. ; There was too many people around when I visited. ; I would like to go back on a gray, drizzly day which I think would really fit the memorial.

I never thought I would be able to be this close to one of my favorite planes from WWII.

Looking into the Mouth of a Flying Tiger by Scottwdw, on Flickr
"Scottwdw" said:
Roger, that is a cool angle on the memorial. ; There was too many people around when I visited. ;

Wow, thanks Scott! ; There was a weekday I was off work (LOL but it was like commuting to work that day! ; Was working 4 on, 4 off) and just walked around the National Mall with a rented Mamiya 7 shooting on 120. ; The Korean War memorial was the youngest at the time (4 years?)...the WW2 memorial was being built if I remember. ; There was just something to getting the column reflected in the ... reflections engraved in granite.

It wasn't that crowded that day...must have been between the Cherry Blossom Festival and the summer. ; But hey, it gave me this too! ; (EF 20mm/2.8 handheld on some kind of slide film)

Scott, love that shot of the warhawk! ; I am going to a WWII aircraft airshow in Reading, PA in June,, hoping to get some in flight shots of warbirds!

Roger, love the shot of Lincoln! ; Slide film, eh? ; I never shot any slides, always B&W so I could develop it in school and play in the darkroom. ;
We did go to the National Zoo. ; The place was packed being Spring break for local and other southern state schools. ; The Pandas were sleeping but this guy wasn't. ; Tough lighting here with the Orangutan hanging out in the shade. ; I normally used matrix metering (evaluative for you Canon guys). ; I switched to spot metering here and placed the spot right on the primate's face.


Turned into a high key looking portrait. ; What do you think?
I love it! ; I think the lighting if perfect for "Clyde!" ; I know that the left side is a little blown out (or a lot) but many of you guys here probably know a good way to process this to bring that back. I, for one, am not soo sure.
I don't think one can recover something this blown out, John. ; My best bet would be to try and map him out and place him on a better background.
I agree with Scott. ; No data in the blown out areas to recover. ; Lots of programs and plugins that would make it easy to mask him out and put him on a different background. ; I use Topaz ReMask. ; I know lots of people really like the new masking in Photoshop CS5 but I have never gotten it to work well for me. ; Of course that may be more me than the program.
Now you know the meaning of "expose for the highlights." ; Even with the wide dynamic range of raw files that allows you to dredge stuff out of the shadows, once the numbers hit 255/255/255 (pure white), there's nothing there to recover.
I still have a few hundred photos to process from Washington so this thread may live for awhile yet.

Please, do not blow me in to officials about this one. ; This is the reading room in the Library of Congress. ; The one you see in both National Treasure movies. ; We were told repeatedly NOT to take photos. ; I think the main reason is most people do not know how to turn off their P&S flashes which are on auto for 90% of the owners. ; It would not be for the noise as we were behind sound proof glass. ; I waited at the end of the group and slowly made my way out as the other LoC person went out to get the next group and blindly pointed the camera and clicked. ; Needed a lot of processing but here it is...


1/60s, f/2.8, ISO 800, EV +0.3, 16mm FL
most people do not know how to turn off their P&S flashes which are on auto for 90% of the owners. ; It

it really is a shame people cannot put that little effort into learning the controls, i was in the row behind one of those last week on pirates and he proceeded to blast away at every scene in the ride, not to mention the young girl who at the last minute as illuminations started monday night, proceeded to jump up on the bench next to where i was standing and blast away at my peripheral vision for the length of the show, and that family was nowhere to be seen for the 30 minutes or so i was holding my spot waiting. those folks are the cause of most of the no photography rules and enforcement, because they won't stop the flash use
I was shooting wish from the top of Bay Lake Towers and the guy next to me was using his flash as well. ; Didn't have the heart to tell him it was pointless to use the flash.

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