Poert "O"rleans love this place [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
"S"now White [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
"U"mbrella [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
"W"alt Disney [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
"A"cademy of Television Arts and Sciences [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
Broomsticks [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
"C"inderella [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
Time Out! Are we skipping "Y"s and "Z"s? I've had a "Z" ready for two days that I am super proud to find, so I'm sharing anyway... Zidia Charities (presumably helping the greater Harambe Area since 1998) [attachment=1] [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
Well, just to make sure we fill in all the holes, I'll throw in a 'Y' as well to go in front of the Z: "Y"ak and "Y"eti: By the way...VERY nice find on that Z Deniz! I didn't think we'd ever have another Z word with the Z at the beginning! Now...BACK TO THE LETTER "D"!
Thanks Justin! I have a natural sympathy for the "Z" cause, you see... BB--no worries! And now for E... The Exit! [attachment=1] [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]