That ball is mine! mine! mine!


Staff member
Well, SOMEONE had to say it! MINE!

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Now that is an angle I wouldn't have thought of.

But then again, I didn't like the wand, so I tried to avoid it. Which reminds me...I need to find my real tilt shift Reala negatives....
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I realize I'm now constantly calling pictures "interesting".. I hope that isn't getting old, but..

That's a really interesting angle. I had no idea that that line of sight even existed. Putting SSE behind the gulls puts the whole scene into a different perspective, it becomes a Disney World scene instead of a Finding Nemo scene. That's a technique I'll have to remember.
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thanks, dan. that was kind of the idea... i liked the idea of playing with depth of field in this one, while at the same time hiding the crane in the shadows.
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Now that is wicked cool, I wonder how many people see you taking these shots then try to do them on their own, like stalking you almost?
I have seem some hairy eyeballs raised when taking a photo from an 'unusual' angle to be sure...
Cool. I'll have to remember to back off a bit next time ...
Tim that is a really cool shot, thanks for the angle idea. Now if I put my son in front of that it would be an awesome computer background. ;D
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hey Tim & Ilene. I totally copied off you guys. thanks for the idea.
btw, Ilene, I like the way the ball is your complete background.

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