Summer of 2013 Pics

After the southern tier of New York got hit with heavy rains last week, I headed down to get some mid-summer waterfalls with lots of flow.

First time photographing at Fillmore Glen State Park. ; It won't be my last!

Cowsheds Falls HDR by Scottwdw
"rickenmartin78" said:
Love the depth in the last one, Scott!

f/16 and Be There! ; Hey, this thread is for anyone who wants to post summertime photos. ; Only a few weeks of summer left!
OK, took this a few weeks ago. Yup, the EXIF says D4. My wallet is so empty even the moths have moved out, but boy does this camera sing.



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Yeah, to say the least! Now I have to tell myself to lift my finger from the shutter button, otherwise it'll happily shoot away at a ridiculous frame rate with a seemingly endless buffer too. It's funny how fast I got spoiled. After a few weeks shooting the D4 I went to a small airshow. Took the D7100 for more reach with the 300mm lens. After the first pass by a plane I thought the camera had broken because it ground to a halt before the plane had even gotten level to me. Nope, just the buffer was already full. Crazy.

I have heard that about the D7100 in RAW. ; I use JPEG for the most part when shooting sports so I have (yet) to hit the buffer limit.
I enjoy shooting wildflowers in bloom in the spring and summer. ; Everywhere else in the Midwest, this flower is called a Turk's Cap Lily. ; In Michigan it's called a Michigan Lily.


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The new Baldwinsville history mural I have been documenting this year was dedicated last week. ; I got to meet some people who brought the mural to life. ; One of them was 91 year old Catherine Rice you see below. ; I asked her to pose for me and this is what she did. ; What a pistol! ;

Link to the Past by Scottwdw

Click the photo to learn more about Catherine and the young lady who was behind the new mural.
"wddoebler" said:
I enjoy shooting wildflowers in bloom in the spring and summer. ; Everywhere else in the Midwest, this flower is called a Turk's Cap Lily. ; In Michigan it's called a Michigan Lily.

The blue sky really sets the Lily off! ; Beautiful!
Nice shot, Bill. ; I have some of those in my back yard. ; I call them the "turn my white T-shirt orange" flowers; I think the pollen off them was used as a dye in ancient times.