Scene Stealer at MK


Well after going through a lot of photos, I totally forgot about this one. ; We took these photos in Magic Kingdom the night of the Very Merry Christmas Party. ; It was great to be there because there was hardly anyone around and we were able to get some great shots. ; However this one particular one I was setting up for and all of a sudden this character comes into my shot. ; You just never know when you will have a character run in:-)


But after he posed, I got the shot I was looking for.

Let me ask Karen what the settings were ... Errr did i just say that? I meant to say let me lookup what i had them set too :)
Nice Ham Ham, catch him while I doesn't know those things. ; But for the life of me I can't remember what I used. ; I didn't tweak the photos in any way, and I was shocked to see that the one of Big Al came out because I was using a low shutter speed, but I did remember to use the flash so that is why there is no blur. ; I thought it was kind of odd too that he just stood there like he knew it was going to take awhile. ; I will have to get the info of the photo when I am at home.