quest for the west, adventures by disney, 8/25/09 - 8/31/09

so it's early morning, i'm up and about, the staff are mostly still finishing their breakfast, most of the guests are not up yet, i start talking to the 1 wrangler saddling up a palomino, turns out it's the head wrangler, he's working to tame this horse a little more, and he's going out to get the stock for the day.i was wondering where the horses all were, turns out that's a huge turn out pasture down by the lake and they spend nights out there

809. a few are on their way up

810. garret, the head wrangler works his horse

811 here comes the herd

812, 813, they mill around waiting for the gate to open, and be driven into the smaller pasture for the hands to tack up the ones for today's rides

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814 so the horses are let out of the pasture and head right into the work corral

815 hey, quit crowding me

816 into the corral

819 here come the rest of the hands to saddle up

820 wyoming by horseback, the way it should be seen

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821, 822, heading towards the base of that ridge we look at from the lodge patio

823, your narrator on horseback

824, barbara, our trailguide

825, looking down a waterfall from horseback

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827, 829, looking down into that waterfall draw

830, 831, karen and gary on horseback, photo by barbara

834, barbara's horse tied off while she dismounted and took the photos of people on horseback

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836, 840 brooks lake through the trees from horseback

839, barbara gets the gate for us to ride into the herd's night pasture, this is where the herd was this am

842, 845, a little scenery from inside the pasture

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hikers on the trail and fishing on the lake as seen from horseback while riding back to the lodge

855 the lodge from out in the pasture

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and so our trip draws to a close, a few from inside brooks lake lodge, we were leaving after breakfast in the am, so i just tooka few and packed up the camera gear
so it was a great trip, with ratings as i see it

the trip itself, A+, just that wide open big sky country, it's every photobook and calendar and then some

the guides, A+++, landon and daniel were the the best, i'd let them direct me any day, never less than cheerful, always helpful, and really good at what they do

the lodgings and food A+, up to fine disney standards all the time, yeah no phones and tv's a lot, and no air conditioning in yellowstone, but it was liveable, and i could care less about no tv, i don't have one in my camper, so you know it's not a vacation priority

photographic opportunities, B+, only because it's not a photo tour, so there were a lot of shots i had to handhold, just not enough time to do a fussy tripod shot, but i had a few places i used it by working fast, and brooks lodge was tripod from around the lodge, and i could have done a few at yellowstone that first evening there, so it was all good,it's just that if all you wanted was photography you would probably be better off taking a photo workshop type tour

but i'm sold on the adventures by disney travel package, it's a good way to go

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