quest for the west, adventures by disney, 8/25/09 - 8/31/09

so this day draws to a close, dinner at the old faithful inn, with 2 fellow travelers, and retire to the room to rest, tommorrow it's another full day, on to the grand canyon of the yellowstone

676, 677, 678, 679, 680, absolutely no confusion here, it's crystal clear where the theming for wilderness lodge came from

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681, 682, 683, 684, 685

whispering canyon cafe anyone??

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Awesome series Gary! ; I can't wait to see the rest. ; Now I need to go back through my photos from my trip there in January 2008 and see if I can identify some of the hot springs and geysers who's name plates were covered by snow.
so i'm back from loudon, new hampshire, those photos will be the subject of another gallery/thread, and i'm ready to post a few more, i should just call this "the bus series"
i normally would not do this at all, but i could not resist, and some of them are not too bad, a little window reflection, but the scenery trumps that

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695, 696 the start of our hike of the south rim of the grand canyon of the yellowstone, i can't post them all here as i can't use up all the bandwith, so it's hard to pick which ones, they will all be over on my phanfare site in a couple of days

697, 698, a couple of trail signs, uncle toms trail was closed due to "bear activity", i've seen plenty of black bears, including a 500lb female, i have no need to see an 800 lb silver back grizzly up close and personal

699, the first glimpse of the canyon

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once again, i elect to let the park speak for itself

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artist point and environs

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Re: quest for the west, adventures by disney, 8/25

Having NEVER been out west, I can say that this entire thread is making me regret not going out there as of yet. ; I obviously need to be planning a trip out west so I can take all of this in. ; Great photo's Gary! ; Thanks for sharing them, and I can't wait to see more. ; Having never seen a geyser before, I am amazed that it is a water filled hole in the ground, that you can actually see the bottomless hole's opening. ; They are really cool.
so we are at artist's point, and there are a couple of different artistic forms being practiced, a few photographers of course, and someone painting, well it is artist point, not the restaurant

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so it's back on the bus for a short 20 minute ride to the famous lake lodge, on the shores of yellowstone lake, for an elegant leisurely lunch, and under the portico, another of those restored white motor coaches, sorry no inside shots, there was a sign on the door asking that you not open them, and i wasn't brave enough to ask staff, i regret that, should have just asked, worst that could happen was they say no

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some views of yellowstone lake, from the shoreside deck at the lake lodge

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and a little 14mm lake shore goodness

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that's very much in contention for print #2, i've decided i'm large printing 2 from this trip, of course the moulton barn at sunrise will be one of them, i haven't fully decided on the other yet
so we finished our lunch, and settled in for our longest bus ride of the trip, approx 3 hours to brooks lake lodge, where we bid farewell to our coach and driver, Arnie, ; and get our room and cabin assignments

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brooks lake lodge, the view from the porch and of the surrounding range, this was just the icing on the cake, stunning scenery right from the front porch

778, the spa building

780, the main lodge building, we had the grizzly room, no keys, they can give you one if you request it, but they have to find it and the locks are stiff from disuse

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a few minutes of rain, our only rain of the entire trip, and then the sun came out, all these taken from right out the dining room door, onto the patio of the main building, 2 of the tack shop/ wrangler quarters

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and so we conclude day 5, we end with 808, a shot using the blue and gold filter, i'm still working on getting a handle on when and where to use this filter

i spent the rest of my day until dinner, flyfishing on the pond, and that's one of the few things that can distract me away from taking photos

tommorrow, more great scenery from horseback

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