POTD - Wide Open

Great pictures everyone! It's that time of year for me :)... getting ready for the new season.

f/4 @ 500 mm, 1/1000, ISO 200 handheld

f/4 @ 500 mm, 1/3200, ISO 200 handheld
Wow, I love those airshow photos. Have you done any of the shows in Lakeland (Sun-n-Fun, or the large scale r/c)?


D90 with 17-55mm at f2.8
Thanks! I have not had a chance to get to Lakeland yet, but want to soon. I believe the Thunderbirds are headlining this year at Lakeland. I also think Crazy Horse, Red Eagle, and Younkin are there too. Could use some more military demo's though. Should be a great show.

"ELinder" said:
Wow, I love those airshow photos. Have you done any of the shows in Lakeland (Sun-n-Fun, or the large scale r/c)?


D90 with 17-55mm at f2.8
Sheesh. ; You're making my NAS act up again. ; I was starting to settle down! ;

//waiting for 2/3 although the sale is too good to be true!
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
70-200 at f/2.8


this is just beautiful. this has got to be the best composed photo of her I have ever seen.
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Craig or Jeff...you should write an article for the Article forum (heh) on how to get such pleasing bokeh...for those of us who don't know how to do that yet. ; I've gotten it accidentally a few times and I love it, but I sure would like to know how to do it on purpose. :)