POTD - Wide Open

150/2 w/ 2x TC (600 equiv), ISO 200, f/4, 1/1250:[nb]Story: ; Shooting the dam again today. ; This butterfly landed around 1.4m away from me - right at the limit for focusing. ; I was able to get off about 4 shots before he flew too close and then away.[/nb]


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Camryn getting to know the Yashica

dof = < length of cat

just able to spend a few minutes today trying out the latest fix for my very bad case of P.A.S. ( prime acquisition syndrome) a canon 50mm f1.2 L

when netizens talk about this lens having a razor thin dof when wide open they ain't kidding

dori at 1.2, dozing in the sun, on the sun shelf

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The night sky, looking south, from my yard, on a rare clear cool winter night, 10 sec exposure, F1.7 with a 50mm F1.7 prime, ISO200:

Sigma 30mm F1.4 wide open (OK...ALMOST wide open at F1.7) at nearly 2am, handheld, just down the street from my house at ISO3200...I liked the way the tree looked with the moon shining in the background:


This one is of my house, same settings and time, also handheld at ISO3200:

Nice shot Jeff, he looks like he has the dribble down already! ; Point guard in the making?

Here is Mr BlueJay at 200/f2.8 during our storm yesterday:

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Sigma 30mm F1.4, at F1.4, ISO6400...first time I've ever been able to get a successful grab of the sleeping monk:
