I am loving all of these. ; Great stuff all. ; It's a treat to see all of the different interpretations that you guys are coming up with. ; Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are making this next week so unbearable. ; Cant wait til Easter and lunch at the Blue Bayou. ; Also, what were your settings for inside the Little Mermaid ride?
Thanks!! The exif for the last inside shot was: Focal Length: 35.0mm Exposure Time: 0.0063 s (1/160) Aperture: f/2.0 ISO Equiv.: 3200 Exposure Bias: -0.33 Whitebalance: Auto Metering Mode: pattern Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto) One for today... DLR
Dave- I am really digging your processing on the last several- very nice! One for today- (I hate this ride!) Primeval Whirl by ~Life by the Drop~, on Flickr
Thanks so much Jeff!! Great shot of the girls. Jenny had so much on that ride with them last time!! More DLR