POTD = Characters

"zackiedawg" said:
Michael ; I only just noticed you posted the crows from Dumbo up top. ; Cool! ; As you can see by my tagline under my name, I like them. ; :)

Thanks Justin! ; Where did you take that shot of the Thee Caballeros?
"mSummers" said:
Thanks Justin! ; Where did you take that shot of the Thee Caballeros?

Those are over at the Coronado Springs Resort, in the back lakeside area of the main building.
Santa Goofy and Christmas Minnie (I can't call her Mrs. Santa Minnie standing next to Goofy as Santa...that would just be wrong!):

Is it just me? :( I tried the other Character thread again today & I still can't see it. It completes loading, but is totally blank. I don't have problems with any of the other threads, so I don't know what to think.

Like you the other thread will work up untill the last page then it loads blank for some reasson

Here is Cindy and her Prince

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may as well finish the family

Step Sister: I never can remember which is Anastasia and which is Drucilla

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The other

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