POTD = Characters

There are a lot of great photos on this thread! Not to sidetrack but I have a newbie question - so many of the photos have such vivid colors. Is that because everyone shoots in RAW and the photos have been corrected? What is the secret? Thanks.
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No, I don't think it's shooting RAW and adjusting it in post; it seems to me that the current generation of cameras are being set with a little more "vivid" for the in-camera JPG processing. Most P&S should have that option.
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Roger's likely right. Mine isn't necessarily from the RAW processing - it's more in processing (whether in camera or on computer). At Disney, I tend to like slightly richer contrast and slightly higher saturation - it just seems to suit the mood, the scenery, the colors, and the atmosphere...and looks great in prints. Most of the time, I just boost saturation a tad in post processing (like Pooh above)...or as Roger mentioned I set my DSLR to 'vivid' which is essentially a +1 saturation in camera.
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Another one of Cinderella and her prince. This is at DL and I realized he is wearing a different coat - if I remember correctly, this one is NOT as accurate to the original film.

"zackiedawg" said:
Roger's likely right. Mine isn't necessarily from the RAW processing - it's more in processing (whether in camera or on computer). At Disney, I tend to like slightly richer contrast and slightly higher saturation - it just seems to suit the mood, the scenery, the colors, and the atmosphere...and looks great in prints. Most of the time, I just boost saturation a tad in post processing (like Pooh above)...or as Roger mentioned I set my DSLR to 'vivid' which is essentially a +1 saturation in camera.

Thanks Zackiedawg & Roger for the advice. I'll have to give that a try.
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