POTD - Black and White

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Jeff, is that a crop, or the full image? Either way, I love what the focus point being on the front wheel did to the rider.

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson
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Wish it was mine. :)

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Coming around to Grampa's birthday again in April, and I always like to visit his resting place and take a few shots - he was a photographer during WWII and passed on the love of photography to me. ; Here's one from last year:

Here's another one from the Cass Scenic Railroad:

This is actually the 3rd depot to stand on this site. ; The first depot was replaced by the C&O Railway in 1923 because its size and layout had become obsolete. ; The second burned to the ground in 1975. ; By that time, the state of West Virginia had taken ownership of the town of Cass and decided to replace the depot with a mix of design elements of the first two. ; The current depot matches the footprint and interior layout of the second C&O Depot, and uses the fancy exterior ornamentation of the original. ;
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