Man o man I love those trains...such a great subject for B&W too.
Nice backyard scene Hulagirl! ; Looks like the weather is nice finally up your way - not only a nice clear lake and fishermen, but short sleeves too. ; Summer is finally a knockin!
OK...this is a history lesson for the youngsters: ; a long time ago, when we used to walk to school in the snow uphill both ways with no shoes, there were no computers, and cameras didn't take memory cards and have sensors...they used this strange stuff called 'film'. ; It came in long strips and you had to feed it across some roller pins inside the camera, then you'd snap photos one at a time, advancing the film with a crank lever that turned the roller pin. ; No, really! ; I'm not making this up! ; You didn't even get to see the shot you took until much later, sometimes weeks - you either had to make your own photo with chemicals and paper and dark places, or bring it to special men who made the photos for you when you dropped off this magic film stuff.
Anyway, I used to enjoy B&W with this 'film' and old cameras. ; You could blow a lot of shots, but the patience it took to get a shot sometimes got you involved in the process and it was quite a reward when you got a good one! ; Here are a few scanned photos taken on this 'film' stuff, in B&W:
Had some fun shooting some scenes for a friend's acting portfolio...this was the 'party girl, morning after, lost and sad scene':
I used to live in California - a very inspirational place. ; I really wish I was more into photography back then. ; I shot probably no more than 10 rolls of film over 4 years. ; The road trips out to the western National Parks were usually worth bringing the camera and the tripod and such...the few times back then I really got involved trying to get nice shots. ; One of my favorite places out there was Joshua Tree National Monument, especially on a full-moon night - the light out there was so bright you could read a book by it, and that crazy moonscape and dinosaur trees made for quite the scenery: