Excellent! ; Looking forward to meeting you - I think you will win the prize for having traveled the farthest for Pixelmania!
I just registered for Pixelmania! I'm just starting to look at the schedule, events, and ADRs people have planned. I'm not sure how it's going to work out with the Extra Magic Hours events. Since I live in Orlando, I'm not staying on property, but I do have an annual pass.

I think you only need to show a room key to go on the rides, not to remain in the park. ;
Ah, that's great news, since I'm really looking forward to doing some night photography. I haven't done much of it, so this should be a real learning experience.

"ELinder" said:
I'm not sure how it's going to work out with the Extra Magic Hours events.

Are there EMH events? ; Contrary to what the Pixelmania schedule says, Saturday night at the Magic Kingdom is not EMH - the park is open to everyone until 1 am.
I'm in for Saturday (leaving my home by 5:30am and arriving by 9am at AK) and then doing a Sunday morning breakfast before leaving back home as we have some family events (my Mom's birthday).

I'm doing some mild freaking out as my waitlist for DVC has yet to come in ; :o

I'm hoping to get some good news in the next day or two from the folks at DVC :D
Heading out in the AM...see you guys and gals next week! ; I'll be checking in via iPhone and room Internet when I can. ; Those on twitter, you can follow me @Scottwdw.
It was very nice to meet all of you, even if it was for such a short time! You are all so talented and I'm disappointed I wasn't able to make it to more meets! For those of you that are sticking around until this weekend I hope to see you again! For those of you that had to leave I hope we get to meet up again. I'm a local, so if you want together on your next trip just let me know! And maybe I can get some of you to give me some private lessons because I'm still a green box girl!

See you at the world!
April ; :)

Tim, you better do this next year!!!