Pixelmania 2024 WDW thread

Discussion in 'PIXELMANIA!' started by Joanie Eddis-Koch, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. Nancy AK

    Nancy AK Member

    @ddindy Dennis thanks for sharing! I thought I already had a discount but going to have my TA double check
  2. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    While I had my lodging reservation for awhile now… it’s officially official now that I’ve purchased my Airfare. And it gets to be a couple extra days cuz the airline decided to change the schedule for the holidays and are not flying to my home airport on the day I would normally have flown home.

    So the upside is that I get to spend two extra days at Disney… the downside is that it’s really only effectively a day because one day I’m checking out then back in… on on the other, I have to go to bed by 6pm so that I can leave for the airport at 2:30am.

    My info…
    AKL Jambo (riff-raff and riff-raff adjacent)
    Flying in: Sat. 12/07
    Flying out: Fri. 12/20

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Nancy AK likes this.

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