Pirates of the Carribean ride

Camera Model: NIKON D80
Image Date: 2008:02:05 21:18:48
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 50.0mm (35mm equivalent: 75mm)
Exposure Time: 0.022 s (1/45)
Aperture: f/1.4
ISO equiv: 1600
White Balance: Manual
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Comment: cdbendele.com (2008)(C)

There's the EXIF.
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AAH thanks Roger.
"Roger" said:
Camera Model: NIKON D80
Image Date: 2008:02:05 21:18:48
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 50.0mm (35mm equivalent: 75mm)
Exposure Time: 0.022 s (1/45)
Aperture: f/1.4
ISO equiv: 1600
White Balance: Manual
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Comment: cdbendele.com (2008)(C)

There's the EXIF.
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Craig, I shot in RAW too, so I‘ll see if I can save some of mine.

As far as the in camera white balance, I think it depends on what software you use to process RAW. In capture NX, it automatically imports the image with the in camera WB setting already applied. Which I like because when I get it right in the camera, there is much less work to do in post (usually its just pick a black point and if there's a white point, that too). I was playing around with my flash over the weekend and forgot to set the in camera WB to Flash, and while I can change the WB to flash in post, the colors weren't the same as when I realized I was still on auto and switched to flash. It was possible to make the ones taken in auto WB match the ones taken in flash WB, but it took a lot more work to achieve the same result. So, I like to get it right in the camera whenever possible.

Roger, The settings I used were: 1/60s at f1.2, and the WB was probably set to auto because I had only had the camera for 2 weeks prior to my trip. The Auto WB is probably the culprit.
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There would be some pretty unhappy D300 owners if Nikon introduced a full frame D90- me included. ???

"mSummers" said:
I think Nikon will release a prosumer FX body in the next year to year and a half. The question for me will be what level of prosumer will it be. The logical choice would be to release it as a D300x or D400, although a year will be too soon for a D400 release. I think there's a chance that the D90 could be full frame. Nikon was pretty quiet at PMA this year because Photokina is coming up later this year, and expect a new body or two, possibly including the prosumer FX body.
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Jeff, it would be worse if Canon watchers notice a new 1D series (with no model # noted or taped out) in Beijing this summer as well. (not the mention the white v black lens counts) Esp with the problems with the Edsel. But everything is looking that way - Canon's 5D has the same size MP as the D3, and is due for an update, Sony will have their 24mp FF this fall, and they will probably release their 12mp FF CMOS sensor in a FF model as well at Photokina...but I would expect Nikon to price a D90 or D300x in the 2.5k-3k range, but that is where Canon will prob drop the ball by releasing only a 16mp 5D successor at above the Nikon prosumer FF price. Rather than the 5DMk2 with a 12mp chip.
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"Roger" said:
Sony will have their 24mp FF this fall, and they will probably release their 12mp FF CMOS sensor in a FF model as well at Photokina

I have so many thoughts, just based on this half sentence!
{start rant here, sorry}

-I hate the megapixel war!!! I am shooting based on 35mm. If I wanted 24 mp, I would shoot medium format!
-what's wrong with 10-12 mp full frame? nice big sensors that capture lots of light!
-I am not printing billboards!! I do not need 7000+ pixel size prints. I have no intention of direct printing a billboard from my camera!
{end rant, sorry again}

For me, the biggest thrill of full frame is going wide angle with fast lenses!
Hey I just finished processing my POTC pics! But I need to Noise Ninja them and/or let Bibble have a go.
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Finally my turn to play!

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/B/226e2374_15.jpg" />

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/B/226e2378_13.jpg" />
&quot;Craig&quot; said:
-I hate the megapixel war!!! I am shooting based on 35mm. If I wanted 24 mp, I would shoot medium format!
-what's wrong with 10-12 mp full frame? nice big sensors that capture lots of light!

My thoughts exactly. At DLWS Yellowstone, I got to see photos that were taken with the D3 (12mp FF) that were enlarged to 20x30, and the quality was incredible. I really don't think more than 12mp on a full frame sensor is necessary.
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Ok, have not posted in a while...but this seems like a good time...I finally got POTC figured out...

see this larger version here


see this larger version here


see this larger version here


see this larger version here
Some more:

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/C/226e2331_11.jpg" />

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/C/226e2332_12.jpg" />
that's not bad, roger. btw, i really like the new lighting in that scene.
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Thanks. When the Edsel hit it was wonderful. Here's Barbossa.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/C/226e2356_19.jpg" />
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&quot;joedisney&quot; said:
Ok, have not posted in a while...but this seems like a good time...I finally got POTC figured out...
Those are great Joe. Sorry somehow I missed those when you posted them. You got those nice and clear and good colors
I'm still trying to get all my shots done. The first post I did was all the easy ones for me. Now, they are getting harder to make them look like anything.

Here, I converted to b&w like msummers said. But with a twist.
My d80 creates a lot of noise at iso1600 in black parts of an image.
So, I converted image to b&w using the channel mixer, amplifying the red channel.(I like the contrast)
Next, I used the highlight tool to really increase the lighting.
Then, I added noise. I added monochromatic noise and greatly increased the noise and greatly lowered the threshold. I was trying to go for a nice film grain.
Then, I used the "old" effect to further wash it out.

Here is the result, along with the original.

[This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]