
i'm going to post a few, this will be a thread seeing periodic posts added, as i make trips to the ny botanical garden in the bronx, ny. i hadn't been there in a few years , and somehow a couple of weeks ago i ended up on the website, i think i was researching the train show and realized it was the annual orchid show, something i had not been to in 25 years. so i figured with that and other shows i'll get my membership worth. so i purchased a membership, and last sunday went to the last day of the thai orchid show. this first post is of a piece of dale chihully glass, being set up for a display of his work opening 4/22
a couple more, while i still have the phanfare site, i received notice a few days ago that as of 5/28/17, phanfare is no more, and we have until then to move everything to smugmug, what i do not know and is not real clear on the transfer link if if everything i have on here posted via love link to phanfare is going to transfer over or will all my threads including the long baseball thread be lost, and the trip threads


test run, my first attempt to link post photos from smug mug, since phanfare is now officially dead and gone. i spent yesterday again at the new york botanical garden, henceforth known as nybg to save typing, the kennedy rose garden was in full bloom, there was a string quartet playing under the gazebo, they opened with a medley from beauty & the beast. how cool was that. i spent the day working on off camera flash and using my new to me radio controlled flash system, i went wild, i sold the last of the canon gear, as it was doing me no good, and i needed a flash for the sony, ended up with 3 flashes, 3 radio receivers, 1 radio commander, and some gels for 2 flashes, diffusers, etc. so i spent the days working on fill flash angles and flash strength settings.


ok after a bunch of trial and error i have it
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so let's do another, the rose garden was so colorful and nice, that i never did get to the chihuly glass pieces, i will make a trip back in a couple of weeks just for the chihuly exhibit



running wild a little here with learning smug mug posting and sizes




Nice work Gary! A tip on posting from Smugmug - if you use the BBCode option, it will make the image a link back to the photo on your site.
When you hit "share" under the photo on your site, you should have tabs for "photo" "gallery" and "slideshow". You may have to be logged in to see all of those. Under the "photo" tab, right under where you select the size, you should have 3 buttons - "Photo Only" "HTML" and "BBCode". Select the size and then hit the BBCode button and copy the code in the box below. Paste that code here, but don't use any of the image insert functions in the forum because the BBCode has everything already built into it. Should look something like this:


ok, here we go, now i have this. not sure i will be staying with smug mug. a lot of very unhappy, very vocal former phanfare customers complaining about not having music background available in smug mug. and it is a feature in zen folio. i have a feeling smugmug might lose a lot of these folks soon if they do not add this

i have always liked the dark roses, but not that easy to photograph, until getting into off camera radio control flash, i can put or hold the flash closer, further away, change the angle, i believe this one i held the flash overhead, with just maybe 1/8 output

they have some real nice hybridized ones, the variegated colors

and the last photo of the day, something a little different
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so i got back to the nybg again last weekend, concentrating on the dale chihuly blown glass art pieces on display until 10/29, some very interesting works there, in his first new york show since 2006

so let up s do a little more chihuly, an inside piece in the enid haupt conservatory, their main public display greenhouse. very much in the kew gardens style

i do regret only having the 24-70 with me, i could have used the 70-200 here and a few other inside spots to bring the piece in closer.

and outside, in a courtyard with a pond/lilypad display

and one of those lily pads in flower, darker than i would have liked, but it was overcast, i did not have a flash with me, in fact about 20 minutes after this it started a light rain and we called it a day

i am not sure what this piece is supposed to be, a lot of real fine glass tubes with lighting inside,
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