NJ City wounded police officers

"Tim" said:
i am getting so tired of reading about the brave brothers and sisters in blue being ambushed and killed by criminal cowards. ; when will it end?

like justin said, [SALUTE]

As long as the powers of the police force keep getting limited by threats of lawsuits and accusations of discriminations, they will always be open to these kinds of cowardly sneak attacks. ; People are more brazen when they think they have nothing to fear
Exactly right...the consequences are getting smaller and smaller, and police are routinely being restricted and handicapped in apprehending criminals. ; Can't use your gun, can't use a club, can't use a taser...what else do they possibly expect police to use to catch criminals...strong words?!

And the press just lets criminals know how to get away with it - knowing police cannot use deadly force, are being watched when they use tasers, can't maintain high-speed chases in some states, and even after all that...if the criminal is caught, they hire a lawyer and wriggle out on a technicality. ; It's nuts.

And it demonstrates the enormous service and dedication that police officers have to helping their community and making the world a better place - that despite all the red tape, all the constraints, all the legal twists against them, all the bad-mouthing and disrespect they take from the general public...they still are out there doing the job, and for far too little money. ; That a police officer makes less in a year than some fat-cat lawyer does in a single day is just one of many travesties in our country. ; In fact, throw in firemen, teachers, and paramedics with police who all should be among the more respected and higher paid jobs in this country instead of lawyers, sports stars & actors, and white collar execs.
It's sad that in my lifetime I've seen our culture go from one where a police officer's statement was trusted without fail. ; I've talked to older people who have gotten out of jury duty every time because they told the defense attorney that they never doubt a police officer's statement. ; That whatever they say is truth. ; That is no longer the case. ; Every day kids are being told to not trust police, if they are pulled over to not roll their windows down and to only open it a crack and slide their credentials through it.

I worked with an attorney who thought he was giving me fatherly advice when he told me that, by law, you are only required to tell a police officer that "everything they need to know is on my license and registration" and when he's pulled over he repeats that statement like he's a soldier in a POW camp repeating his name, rank and number.

It's a shame that a few police officers with an ego problem have tainted the entire world's perception of the US Law Enforcement.

I also agree with Justin that police, paramedics, teachers and some of the most necessary and least respected members of our work force. ; But I'd add nurses to that list too. ;
while I am sure all officers appreciate these sentiments, and I certainly echo them, let's try to keep this focused on the family of marc dinardo. ; I apologize for my
off topic stream of consciousness.
Sorry for contributing to taking the focus off of Officer Dinardo. ; Unfortunately, at this time the only thing I can think to say is that I don't know what to say. ;
Ditto. ; I'll salute again for his family, and to the other injured officers and hopes that they will recover fully.