Exactly right...the consequences are getting smaller and smaller, and police are routinely being restricted and handicapped in apprehending criminals. ; Can't use your gun, can't use a club, can't use a taser...what else do they possibly expect police to use to catch criminals...strong words?!
And the press just lets criminals know how to get away with it - knowing police cannot use deadly force, are being watched when they use tasers, can't maintain high-speed chases in some states, and even after all that...if the criminal is caught, they hire a lawyer and wriggle out on a technicality. ; It's nuts.
And it demonstrates the enormous service and dedication that police officers have to helping their community and making the world a better place - that despite all the red tape, all the constraints, all the legal twists against them, all the bad-mouthing and disrespect they take from the general public...they still are out there doing the job, and for far too little money. ; That a police officer makes less in a year than some fat-cat lawyer does in a single day is just one of many travesties in our country. ; In fact, throw in firemen, teachers, and paramedics with police who all should be among the more respected and higher paid jobs in this country instead of lawyers, sports stars & actors, and white collar execs.