My trip in a P-51 Mustang


Thanks to my benefactor (my dad) I had the chance to take a 20 minute flight in a P-51 Mustang last weekend at the Mid Atlantic Air Museum's World War II Weekend. We arrived at 7:30 and we allowed in to check in so we grabbed Michael’s chair to put with ours.

We were able to walk around some before all the rif-raf (Micheal) entered at 8:30. We came across the B-17 that was used for the movie, sadly it was only a display and did not fly in the show.

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When my turn came around, like I said, I decided to take only my phone, and I was glad I did. There is very little room in the cockpit of a Mustang, my phone did me just fine. Here was my view before the pilot got in. Mark flies for Southwest, does this for fun. He even owns a T-6 trainer in Texas. I am thinking the iPad was something introduced after the war.

It is hard to explain the fun and thrill of this experience. The funny thing is that I am not a fan of flying, makes me nervous. But nothing about this flight had me nervous at all, just pure fun. No acrobatics, which I have done aobut 22 years ago in a T-6, and almost blew chunks all over the instrument panel (sat in front in the T-6). We did a few wing overs, but nothing too strenuous so I did not need the barf bag that was in the cockpit.

Now to start going through that photos from the airshow, which was a little light on the planes due to weather preventing them form getting there.
OK so I see Doc but which one of you was Dopey and which one was Grumpy? And isn't Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror picture show? I don't think that was a Disney production...

All kidding aside this sounds like a very cool experience. Thanks for sharing.

OK so I see Doc but which one of you was Dopey and which one was Grumpy?

I was both Saturday evening when I didn't check the camera strap, resulting in my camera impacting the parking deck floor at the hotel. Thankfully, the L bracket and the sunshade took the brunt of the impact and the camera appears to be properly functioning.
I was both Saturday evening when I didn't check the camera strap, resulting in my camera impacting the parking deck floor at the hotel. Thankfully, the L bracket and the sunshade took the brunt of the impact and the camera appears to be properly functioning.
Yikes! I still shudder when I remember Tim dropping his 70 to 200 lens in the hub. He was behind me and I heard it bounce twice on the pavement. That was the worst sound I ever heard from a camera drop event.