here is my modest addition to this years hallowishes photos, taken thursday 10/21/10, at mnsshp, just started to process the first card from the trip, but i wanted in on this post so here's a couple
Great shots guys! ; I really liked the fireworks for this party, and the theming throughout the entire park. ; I will definitely do it again next year.
Scott, those are amazing!!! ; Were you standing about even with Casey's? ; How did you manage with the tripod?
Jeff, not this time. ; I was on the "hill" about 50 feet closer. ; The party was busy but not bad. ; Another guy was set up with a tripod and with us being next to each other, kept the crowd away. Still have people there but no one tall!!!!!! Sorry, we'll miss you! ; At Epcot tonight if you can get away.
Thanks, Craig! ; Ditto to all of yours!! ; I do like these new 12MP sensors. ; Get much better color.
Just got done with processing the entire HalloWishes pics so before we go full hog into Christmas, here's a few more...