Well, it's quite a difference in price actually. DCL quoted us around $1200 per person for an inside stateroom. RCCL is around $550 and that's with all taxes and port charges included. That's not just a big difference that's a HUGE difference. While I didn't want to let price drive this it certainly played a major factor in my decision.
There's also breakout space we need and special functions we are planning. DCL would not be nearly as flexible with us as RCCL is.
Based on the years I've been doing MagicMeets, which as you are probably aware has not been in any venue associated with Disney in the past, I find that the competition is always willing to give you more. Why book a Philadelphia hotel at $300 a night and $30k for ballroom space when 30 to 40 miles away you can get more for less and they want your business much more?
In this case, with a weak economy, cost obviously played a major factor but most importantly, RCCL welcomed us with open arms when they heard about our group and gave us most everything we needed right up front. DCL came back to us and offered $50 per person stateroom credit for our group. (Off of the $1200 per person rate) Not really much when you think about it.
We also didn't expect this to be as large as MagicMeets events have been in the past. Since it was our first year trying this as a cruise, we went with a 4 day cruise instead of something longer. I also didn't expect the response it got (which I am VERY pleased with) and are already down to a few cabins left. More than 60% of them went at the 2009 event.
One other thing I should mention, for reference, since most of our attendees are adults, the kids room and activities issue was much lower on the list and as suspected 80% of guests so far are adults.
Just wanted to chime in.
Tim you did a wonderful job this year. Thanks for all of your support and dedication. It's really appreciated!
"Grumpwurst" said:
Nancy and I are still scratching our heads on this choice. ; Even though it's cheaper, everything we've heard from my mother-in-law (Nancy's mom) who is a big cruiser, is that RC and the other non-DCL cruise lines are not very "kid friendly" or "family friendly". ; From what we gathered from her, she wouldn't be surprised if the group wouldn't be very welcome by the other passengers with all their Disney-infused family fun