Joanie Eddis-Koch
I'd be interested in a get together to do this. What time frame are we looking at? I would probably drive down. I'd have to complete my vaccinations though. I'm probably in group 1C in New Jersey.
Very nice! All familiar sightings for Florida - feels like my weekends out down here too. As we get into summer, most of the babies have hatched and are growing - some already left the nest, and the ones still here are getting big and learning to fly already. Should start to quiet down and get into the summer birds as the heat comes on. Of course, the reptiles stay year-round.
BTW, your common snapper is a Florida softshell turtle - a southeast native type of turtle that can get quite large. It's not in the snapper family, but the bite can do just as much damage. And when you have to pick them up to carry them off the road, the very shallow underside and soft shell, combined with really long neck, make them very capable of reaching around and biting you even as you attempt to be heroic and save them (don't ask how I know).
Very Nice Scott. I am totally jealous! I can't wait to do this next March. You and Merrie should consider joining us a little further south for birding adventure. We are planning on doing it the first week in March starting with February 27th (approximately. ) Justin has kindly offer to be our guide and point us in the right direction.