January zoom chat date votes

side tripping for a moment, i would strongly recommend everyone, and i do mean everyone, for right now take at least vitamin d3, 400 units daily, and vitamin C, 1000 mg twice a day. i cannot overemphasize how important it is to have a strong immune system right now. eat properly, drink plenty of water and rest frequently.

@gary thank you
Got a good deal on a used D5. Previous owner was a NPS member and took awesome care of his gear, but was being forced to switch to Sony by the agency he works for, so he had it priced to move.
Didn't you have a D5S? Now I'm confused...

I thought for sure you'd say that you were switching over to Sony. My second guess was that you would purchase a D6.
Didn't you have a D5S? Now I'm confused...

I thought for sure you'd say that you were switching over to Sony. My second guess was that you would purchase a D6.

I had a D4s. The high ISO performance and the great price was enough to make me pull the trigger on the D5. D4s to D5 is a significant technology jump. The D6 didn’t give me enough additional features over the D5 to justify the additional cost.

Sony is tempting, but I have way too much Nikon gear to jump ship right now. Also none of the mirrorless cameras have the battery life I need for air shows. 10,000+ photos a day requires too many batteries for mirrorless to make sense yet.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ok so we have some homework to do.
First of all we are going to have a BEST Zoom Background contest.
There will be NO prizes awarded, just bragging rights. Most votes wins the title "Pixelmania Zoom Background Wiener, January 2021".

If you don't know how to add backgrounds to your zoom software then google it and practice ahead of time. There are plenty of tutorials on how to do this so figure it out your damn self. You can use ones you find on the net or make your own.

Second of all we've got some "Topic Talkin" to do. Feel free to add your own.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

*The eyesore that is the Harmongus barge in the middle of the lake in the World Showcase.

*No Magical Express starting in 2022
Bonus PITA: no more luggage service.

*No EMH except for 30 mins in the morning before park opening for resort guests at any WDW park.

*New Cameras, lenses, equipment.

*Side trips around Pixelmania: Fishing? Evening sunset photo ops in the Lake Apopka area? Universal side trips? Others??

*Any (new) bodily amputations? Dietary intolerances? Worms or other parasites that you have been experiencing lately?

The list is endless! Post your suggestions!