in the bag for pixelmania

A new tripod: (since I've sold off my two 'travel' ones) ... /KBID/2466

While I'm partial to Manfrotto, the comparable model to this one was $100 more, and was rated for less weight. ; Benro recently added a line with flip locks rather than twist locks, which I do prefer thanks to my history with Manfrotto....

20 inches folded seems to be the sweet spot for travel I think.
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
That looks really nice Roger- I may have to take a closer look at that at Pixelmania.

No problem there Jeff!

Anyway, so assuming I can fit this stuff in my bag....

I'll have:

D700, 24-60/2.8, rented 14-24, rented Sigma 50/1.4
E-3, 150/2, 2x TC, 35 Macro
SB800 (did you know I can use it with Oly? ; not TTL, but it won't fry the Oly due to the placement of the connectors)
ND filter, remote release for Nikon
"Roger" said:
Benro recently added a line with flip locks rather than twist locks, which I do prefer thanks to my history with Manfrotto....

Roger, what are the details on this/ ; I currentLy have a Manfrotto with the flip locks, but thought the twist locks looked like they might be somewhat easier to manage. ;
Paul, I think everyone's mileage varies; the Luxi, while very compact, the twist locks were hard to manage while walking for have to twist the sections in order or else you'll be turning another section....and depending on the construction - the newer style Manfrotto locks are just easy to use and then use gravity to drop the legs.

I know my 3221W Manfrotto (Alum, 24" closed, can go to 70") that is a veteran of the National 4th of July Fireworks Celebration and Metro Subway Challenge[nb]Your mission: ; To take a bag full of camera gear and a heavy tripod into a subway station packed to gills. ; It is humid, and hot, and no bathrooms in sight.[/nb] ; Those flip locks are harder to use, but the ones on the 725B digi weren't. ; Nor the ones on my Carbonone Monopod.
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
I don't think I can even afford to rent it after my Leica purchase last week-


This one?

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Hahahahaha- no-

M6 like this one-

"Tim" said:
dude how many cameras do you own?!

Hey I sold one (digital) and bought one (film) so I am not really adding! ; 8) ;

I have 2 digital now and- uh- 9 film- not counting I have two c4's but one is broke okay? ; So yeah- 2+9