in the bag for pixelmania

the 50 f/1.0 is in my bag right now. ; man! ; that thing is heavy and built like a tank. ;
"Tim" said:
the 50 f/1.0 is in my bag right now. ; man! ; that thing is heavy and built like a tank. ;

What do you think of the lens? ; Everything I've read online about it seems to be somewhat negative about its sharpness, but you never know with that. ; I think we're almost at a point in time where lenses like this are obsolete. ; Why spend a couple grand on it when you could instead get the latest in high ISO technology?

I don't think we're at that point yet, but with the new full frame beasts from Canon and Nikon that are capable of 100,000+ ISO, I think it's right around the corner.

In any case, I'm betting you will have A LOT of fun with that bad boy and the dark rides! ; Makes me envious!!!
haven't used it yet but that with my mk2 might make a new game out of shooting in available dark.
"WDWFigment" said:
I think we're almost at a point in time where lenses like this are obsolete. ;

Almost there....Canon does have an EOL for replacement parts, even though the EOS line is barely over 25 years old.

The old 80-200/2.8 has no parts available *new* anymore, so once the 50/1.0s breakdown, it'll be the same way.

It was a lens for its time. ; There's a reason they haven't made it again, but rather a 1.2.
singh-ray vari n-d filter
singh-ray blue/gold polarizer,
singh-ray lb warming polarizer

these are all circular, threaded, in 77mm, i have step up rings for 72, 67, 58mm lenses

forgot to add, these are all the thin mount, so less chance of vignetting on wide angles
So Im not going to be able to make Pixelmania (this year) :( but I will be there the week after and Im dragging all my gear;

Xti body
18-55 mm kit lens
55-250 mm
50mm f/1.8
Tamron 10-24
UV and Polarizing filters
Macro filters

maybe an external flash???? (I keep thinking about maybe getting one)

and my new bag (havent decided which one yet. Probably either Lowepro slingshot 200 or the Tamrac Velocity Sling pack)
"mainstreet1997" said:
So Im not going to be able to make Pixelmania (this year) but I will be there the week after

I'll also be there Dec. 10-16. ; Are you attending any of the meets or just hanging out?
"ddindy" said:
I'll also be there Dec. 10-16. ; Are you attending any of the meets or just hanging out?

Ill actually be there the 6th through the 11th. Its our annual family Christmas trip - first time my sister's been in 3 years!
Great. ; I'll actually be there Dec. 2-8 and 10-16. ; I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up somewhere, but I don't want to intrude on your family time. ; If you see a TMIP hat in the parks, be sure to say hi.
I'm going to feel bare carrying my point-n-shoot...

Sony DSC-H50
DSC Remote Control
2 Spare Batteries
Battery Charger
16 GB of MS ProDuo Memory
Velbon Ultra-Luxi
Samsung Netbook (to Offload Cards to portable HDD)
; ; -The Camera Manual!
Gary... Care to share your 135 for a few shots?

actually all the gear is open to use from fellow canon shooters, we'll work it out, maybe multiple rides around hm and the safari might be needed, but it'll happen
practice with it, also practice quick setup and tripod takedown, when not stationary or conducting a meet, tim can be relentless in covering ground, esp if he's on the track of some new angle not covered before
My favorite tripod takedown method...snap all the hinges open on the leg segments, then turn it upside down and let gravity collapse the whole thing...then just snap the hinges closed as you walk. ; Takes mere seconds!