
Alright, looking at this thread has made me even more interested in getting an ND filter. ; Can someone make a suggestion as to which one would be good to start with? ; My only filter experience to this point has been the Circular Polarizer and the standard UV filter. ; Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully someone will chime in with the variable ND filter - there is now one that you can "dial" in your ND strength ALTHOUGH I've heard that with some cameras/lenses you will see the flaws in it....

I've got a 8 stopish one, started with a 2 stop one and it was basically worthless. ; You can stack them however. Illuminations came out for me but I really messed up Wishes a few nights before these, mostly because I think I was scared of blowing out the castle. ; Sometimes I miss the forgiveness and reciprocity of negative film.
I've got the ND400 8-stopper myself - though if I hadn't already invested in one and was buying today, I might be interested to see how those variables work.
Yeah I was looking at B&H and Best Buy last night, and Rocket Fish sells one that is $20 or $40 depending on size, but I am having a little trouble determining how many stops they are. ; B&H sells them as well but they range from $20-$150 and i wasn't sure about any of them.

this should be a start, a link to some 77mm circular kits, yes i know they cost a little more up front, but it ends up being way cheaper than collecting them all over time. i strongly recommend getting 77mm in all filters, get step up rings for all other lens sizes. 77mm is the most common large size in use today, and you never need to regret getting a too small filter if you should not have any 77mm right now, but end up with a 2.8 lens later on. the advantage to a kit is it gives you a nice range of nd to start with
I have the 0.6 (2 stop) and 0.9 (3 stop) ND Filters, but would have gone higher if my current camera could have an shutter speed higher than 30 seconds.
I missed this thread, Roger. ; You got a night with little wind to be able to get these with such long exposures. ; I didn't even know Tokina made a SONY mount for this lens. ; Good show!

Gary, how many stops does the Vari-ND do? ; If you want more, stack another ND filter on top of it. ; I bought a set of three ND filters which I can stack but I will get some vignetting on the Tokina 11-16mm. ; Nothing I can not crop out later.
I might need to try my nd400 stacked with a polarizer for some night photos during the day at Pixelmania this year. ;

Posted from my htc Thunderbolt.
yes i do have that very expensive but oh so good singh-ray vari-n-duo, it's claimed to be 2-8 stops, but i'm thinking it's more realistically 6 at the dark end. i may pick up a 2.1 for pixelmania just to have a known stop for experimenting with various time settings. i could probably stack at least one more on top of the vari, but it'd be awful dark for trying to focus.
Re: Re: Illuminations

"gary" said:
but it'd be awful dark for trying to focus.

That's what live preview is for. ; Works awesomely, even when you can't see thru the viewfinder.

Posted from my htc Thunderbolt.