I was asked to stop taking photos at Pleasure Island

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I think this should be a new event for Mousefest. We all go to Pleasure Island together with tripods, and set them all up at the same time throughout the Island. Then we can take bets on whether the security guy will:
1. Patiently ask each of us, one by one, to stop using our tripods.
2. Turn around and walk the other way, pretending he didn't see anything.
3. Begin to shake uncontrollably, collapse on the ground, and have his head pop off.
4. Whip out his gun and start firing
5. Get on the radio, and tender his resignation on the spot.

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now that it has been established that this was a misunderstanding by an either poorly informed/ trained or overzealous pair of security officers and not a general disney policy problem, i am closing this thread so we can focus on what we all love, disney photos.
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