engine 734, AKA mountain thunder

I'm with Scott. ; All of the photos from the two of you have been great, but that sunrise shot is way up there on the wall-hangability scale.
michael, that sunrise shot beats anything i've got, you have train skillz, but thanks for the pointers all weekend, i'm sure what i do have is better because of your generous help
Thanks everyone! ; You're welcome Gary.

Here's a couple more.

Handing up the train orders the old fashioned way:

Switch 9 Curve West:

Conductor's View:

West Sunnyside:

Helmstetter's Morning:

Helmstetter's Afternoon:

I must have missed these. ; Another fantastic set.

I love the fact that they stage a train order pickup by what I assume is the only train on the entire railroad. :)
yes it is the one and only train on the railroad, it's a single track line that dead ends at the turntable in frostburg, over on my phanfare album of the trip, i have a few gallery pages that are a trackside guide that i scanned in, the guide was part of the charter info packet. it's a good history of the rail line and the area
Thanks for posting the guide, Gary. ; I gave it a quick glance and plan to read whole thing soon.