Digital Railroad shutting down


If your stuff is on Digital Railroad, which is shutting down in such an abrupt way as to hose its photographers, you have until midnight on Oct 31st (PST/GMT-8) to migrate your stuff to someplace safe. Even this short time frame was won of hard negotiation.

This is way off topic for this site, and I have thus far resisted the urge to go off-niche to cover this story. But I am sure that many readers are affected, and DRR simply is not giving its shooters time to migrate in an orderly way.

Just got this off of Strobist: ... itive.html

If you are were a client, act fast -- as in now.

For more info and in-depth coverage:

• Photo Business Forum, shows exactly how to migrate via FTP (Thanks much for that info, John)
• Vincent Laforet, expressing the anger felt by many shooters
• PhotoShelter, just off of a closure of their own, tries to pick up the DRR pieces with help (they negotiated the extension) info, offer
• PDN Online story , with ongoing coverage at PDNPulse


It's a copy & paste from the Strobist article and the -30- was in there.
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Not unless you count calling HS Baseball, Volleyball, Swimming and Track! ;)

I do admit though, sometimes I like to throw in the - 30 - just to confuse some of my 'digital only' friends. ;)