If your stuff is on Digital Railroad, which is shutting down in such an abrupt way as to hose its photographers, you have until midnight on Oct 31st (PST/GMT-8) to migrate your stuff to someplace safe. Even this short time frame was won of hard negotiation.
This is way off topic for this site, and I have thus far resisted the urge to go off-niche to cover this story. But I am sure that many readers are affected, and DRR simply is not giving its shooters time to migrate in an orderly way.
Just got this off of Strobist:
http://strobist.blogspot.com/2008/10/ot ... itive.html
If you are were a client, act fast -- as in now.
For more info and in-depth coverage:
• Photo Business Forum, shows exactly how to migrate via FTP (Thanks much for that info, John)
• Vincent Laforet, expressing the anger felt by many shooters
• PhotoShelter, just off of a closure of their own, tries to pick up the DRR pieces with help (they negotiated the extension) info, offer
• PDN Online story , with ongoing coverage at PDNPulse
This is way off topic for this site, and I have thus far resisted the urge to go off-niche to cover this story. But I am sure that many readers are affected, and DRR simply is not giving its shooters time to migrate in an orderly way.
Just got this off of Strobist:
http://strobist.blogspot.com/2008/10/ot ... itive.html
If you are were a client, act fast -- as in now.
For more info and in-depth coverage:
• Photo Business Forum, shows exactly how to migrate via FTP (Thanks much for that info, John)
• Vincent Laforet, expressing the anger felt by many shooters
• PhotoShelter, just off of a closure of their own, tries to pick up the DRR pieces with help (they negotiated the extension) info, offer
• PDN Online story , with ongoing coverage at PDNPulse