Coral Reef at The Living Seas (Nemo)


Staff member
We had lunch at the Coral Reef. Got the nice empty pictures between lunch and dinner times.

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can't beat the decor but did you like the food? we were a bit disappointed by it the two times we've eaten there. atmosphere was a+ though.
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I have also been disappointed by the food at this place. So much so, that my wife and I decided not to go back there for a long time, maybe even never.
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I went there last year, but the truth is I'm not a big seafood fan so there was only so far I could enjoy it. Perhaps I found the food a bit unimaginative, but.. I always tend to find fish bland, it takes a really exceptional recipe (or some cajun seasoning if you want to do it the easy way) for me to enjoy seafood.
I went for the atmosphere, because it had been so long since I'd been there that I couldn't remember it. I got what I wanted, and I won't be planning to go back any time soon now.
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we have had a couple of meals that were only so-so. Dina once had a bowl of lobster bisque that was horrible. but mostly the food is pretty good.
this last trip, the food was fantastic, better than it ever has been.
also, we now do lunch there to save about $10.00 per plate for the exact same menu.
We have only ever ordered tilapia, mahi, or cajun catfish.

Another note, this restaurant has definitely been affected by the Disney Dining Plan. the menu is very small, compared to the past.
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