Convention time!

The Doctor is crossing the timelines again. Here we see a Silurian from the 11th Doctor's era standing next to the sixth Doctor. Confusion reigned at Fandomfest.

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If you're into DC comics, you'll recognize Zatanna, Power Girl and Green Arrow here. I think the cards are a neat addition to Zatanna's costume.

DC parade
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Dennis, that's not Green Arrow... It's Zartan from GI Joe. ; First, no green on him and second, if you look at his right upper chest there is a Cobra logo. ; However, the most recent incarnation of Green Arrow (TV show) uses a similar style of hood and chest armor.

But I do like Zatanna's magic cards. ; Great convention photo.

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Thanks for the correction. I'll admit I'm still learning who's who - I don't have a clue who some of the video game characters are. Now I'll have to go fix the Flickr and G+ captions.
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One of the fun things at the 2013 Cincinnati Comic Con was an event called Drink & Draw. Held at the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History & Science in the Cincinnati Museum Center (also known as Cincinnati Union Station or, in comic book circles, the Hall of Justice), it was a pleasant evening of exploration, science and art. As I left the event, I passed this archival storage room which reminded me of a smaller version of the warehouse seen at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. One wonders what mysteries are here to be discovered.

Mysteries at the Museum
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Did you enjoy the "Drink and Draw"? ; I've been tempted to attend the ones at Wizard Chicago, but have not yet.

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I did enjoy it. I met a a couple of artists from the Orlando area, so we talked Disney for a while. It was a pretty low-key affair, and we had the whole museum to explore.
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The 2014 convention season is in full swing. The first one for me was the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, popularly known as C2E2.

Ready when you are, G.L.

When I first spotted this gentleman, the slave Leia outfit and cigarette made me think of the Blue Milk Special web comic's interpretation of Princess Leia.


(Their running gags is include Leia's tobacco habit and Darth Vader's Star Fleet coffee mug.)

But I was wrong. He said he was playing Carrie Fisher's stunt double from Return of the Jedi. Hey, why not salute the unsung heroes of the film industry?
Peter Quill (AKA "Star Lord") and Groot ("I am Groot") along with Rocket Raccoon put in an appearance at C2E2 in 2014 to plug the latest Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy.

Hot commodities

OK, so technically this IS a Disney photo.
Ok, Prince Leia's stunt double's evil doppleganger is a little disturbing.